
As of last Monday, I have a new PC, it’s custom built motherfucker of a beast.

I will be streaming gaming related videos @ Starting Monday the 15th, possibly earlier. Test Streams will be running now and again, but my recording device has had an unfortunate bit of damage due to a design flaw and is likely on it’s way out. See for any sudden stream notices.

In case you’ve missed previous journals, I’ve joined up with a few friends and we’ve grouped up as Nutwings Gaming on youtube @

And the content will flow, Doom 3( Just me ) is ongoing, Borderland ( Most of us ) is also ongoing, The Ship ( All of us. ) is also a thing. Overwatch, 7 Days to Die: Highlights, Ark: The Center, and DooM ( 2016 ) are coming.

Comic news: M:TC will be returning, there’s no set date for this yet. One Shots: a randomly uploaded series of short comics is coming. And I’ve had a chat with Bunny about a comic with a clear start and end with a fantasy setting that may be coming sometime.

Also in youtube news: I will be starting a podcast shortly, it will be weekly, I’ll be running my mouth about gaming, gaming news, movies, and what I/we are currently working on, this will be mostly Mayhem: The website or One Shots, or The Shop news.

The Shop: I worked in game development for a long time before I dipped into comics, then DJing, etc. So with all the neat new game engines to play with, I figure, I may as well test the waters again and see what I can come up with.